Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

  • “As a mother of four children and long-time yogini, this course was born of my own journey through the luminous presence of my own female lineage, pregnancy, motherhood, and yoga—with a desire to share the things that help (and things that didn’t!) along this magical path!”

    We are delighted to offer this certified course for. Yoga teachers as well as devoted practitioners on a spiritual journey of self discovery and sharing.

  • Sacred Time

    Pregnancy is a unique time of embodying unconditional love and it offers a unique opportunity to experience the every goal yoga -unity with all creation. Our approach to this course is inspired by the ancient wisdom of the cycles of Mother Nature and the primordial wisdom of the creative feminine power. This is not reserved for women bearing children. It is wisdom, knowledge, an understanding and an embracing of who we are, why we are here and from where we come.

    In this multi-lineage collage of teachings, I seek to enhance the understanding of the sacred feminine as expressed in yogic wisdom. Throughout my life I have struggled to find what practices work specifically for me. When I first became pregnant, I found myself with administrative dogmas which were not adapted to my energies or to my life situation. What yogic practices actually work for women? What practices support the ever changing role and physiology of women? What practices can nourish the divine feminine within each of us? What does it mean to be a woman? What is the divine feminine?

    These are important questions I have asked myself and I hope to share and impart the knowledge and techniques which have illuminated my journey in hope that the same comfort and tools can be employed and enjoyed by you, to pass on in creative and unique ways so innate to being a woman.

    Honor the Divinity Within

    This training will give an opportunity to learn more about the journey of women and how yoga can ease and empower women through her various life-changing events. This course highlights aspects of birth and the journey of the soul. The mothers and the child's. It will teach yoga teachers and birthing professionals the holistic tools and techniques that will assist and support mamas-to-be in their transformative journey. It was designed for yoga teachers, students of all yogic disciplines, pregnant mothers and women interested in connecting to deeper waves of their being. We warmly welcome those wanting to become pregnant and any woman who wants to deepen her knowledge of conscious conception, pregnancy, and motherhood. Expect to complete this comprehensive training and have the knowledge, understanding, techniques, and inspiration to support pregnant women to birth as consciously, naturally, actively, and normally as possible. You will learn the precautions and modifications necessary to put together a safe, empowering prenatal class suitable for all stages of pregnancy. You will be able to share powerful, ancient breathing techniques, mudras, mantras, and asanas specifically designed for a pregnant woman so that she is able to experience a pregnancy and birth filled with consciousness and confidence. You will feel confident accepting pregnant women in your yoga class and even offer classes specifically designed for them.

    Through the great rivers of yoga, we will include a deep understanding of the journey of the soul. Supported by philosophy and the Art of Inner Movement Therapy. Raising important questions regarding our own soul and that of the child to be. This self reflective journey may be exciting to some and daunting to others. Often this doorway provides an opportunity to release and let go of innate fears which can be responsible for other issues. Exploring this realm can be deeply personal, powerful and eventually liberating. As we have limited time, support is open to those whose journey requires special support beyond the confines of the course hours. I am there.

    Earth Based Teachings

    Honoring our connection to the natural world-Weaving earth imagery into teaching vocabulary-Healing the body-mind-spirit through ancient earth wisdom-Nurturing creativity in the learning process-Appreciating how the eight limbs of yoga relate to each of the stages of mothering, from conception, pregnancy, and birth to mother/child (i.e., surrender, witness, meditation, bliss)-Ritual as integrated female lifestyle-How to draw from and melt into nature as a way to deepen connection to self. -How your lineage affects your present-Embracing forgiveness-Healing the mother wound.-Exploration of the multidimensions of the pre- and postnatal self (spiritual, emotional, intellectual)-Lifestyle considerations: creating community, support, and networking for mothers-Dance for women, particularly designed to easechildbirth-Baby massage and adapted self massage-Banding

  • Module 01: Magical Beginnings -First TrimesterDetailed Physiological overviewIn this module, we will cover the body-mind connection. Conception on a molecular and energetic level. Understand the body and how it supports the physiology of pregnancy. Accord necessary yoga asanas for this time. First trimester considerations. Pranayamas.

    Module 02: Second Trimester-Detailed Physiological overviewMagic of sound, touch, mantra, positive visualization, physical body at this time. Supporting asanas of this time. Thinking about the birthing process. Breathing techniques.

    Module 03: Third Trimester-Detailed Physiological overviewDeep connection, breech baby, meditations to stay connected and radiant. How to stay centered when life swirls around you in ways that are not what you planned. Exploration of the multidimensions of the pre- and postnatal self (spiritual, emotional, intellectual). Lifestyle considerations: creating community, support, and networking for mothers. Professional and ethical practices.

  • The effects of pregnancy on the body and mind

    The physiology of pregnancy, spirituality of the womb

    Energetic and emotional considerations during pregnancy, labour, and delivery

    The benefits of yoga during pregnancy and beyond

    Asana: postures to support a healthy pregnancy, modifications for each trimester, contraindicated postures and posture sequencing

    Pranayama ,vocal toning and massage techniques, mantra

    Sound as therapy. Singing bowl.

    Relaxation and visualization techniques to help create a more positive and relaxed birth experience

    Guided Meditations specific for this phase

    How to integrate mindfulness into your classes

    Laboring positions, birth preparation to empower women in childbirth

    Pre- and postnatal asana and recommendations for recovery of uterus

    How to inspire and support women to birth from their own empowerment

    How to assess specific therapeutic needs and address them safely with yoga and modifications

    Address issues related to fertility and conception through yoga

    Art of Inner Movement

  • Our Prenatal Yoga program conforms with the safety guidelines of Canadian Yoga Alliance (CYA) for exercise during and after pregnancy. You can be sure that our instructors will offer safe postures and adjustments suited to your body, your pregnancy, and beyond.

    This course is open to those who are pregnant and wish to learn to practice yoga safely and enhance their experience, as well as those who wish to be certified to teach and already have their 200-hour RYT—part of your time shall be devoted to practicing, teaching, and assisting. There will be required reading and an assignment provided to you by the Academy.

    Certification is granted upon successful completion of this course by One Yoga Academy and the Canadian Yoga Alliance.

  • Course Manual & everything required for your comfort and learning

    Pre/post course discussion and short essay review

    Registration/Certification with the Canadian Yoga Alliance upon successful completion of the course (for those who are not already registered yoga teachers they will receive a certificate of successful completion)

    For those who wish to be certified to teach and already have their 200-hour RYT, part of your time shall be devoted to practicing, teaching, and assisting. There shall be required reading and an assignment provided to you by the Academy. One Yoga Academy salutes the mother in each of us, to the essence of her, celebrates the miracle of childbirth, and nurtures the child by nurturing the mother. This program is open everyone, men included.

Samantha's trainings and courses are like maps, manuals or recettes. You take them and then you have the know-how to navigate a little bit better in your body and in your life in general. Its an internal-life-changing experience. Samantha kindness and agelessness act unconsciously on the student.

-Samantha Howick

Samantha's trainings and courses are like maps, manuals or recettes. You take them and then you have the know-how to navigate a little bit better in your body and in your life in general. Its an internal-life-changing experience. Samantha kindness and agelessness act unconsciously on the student.

-Samantha Howick