Kundalini & Chakras
Duration: 18 hours -Certified Hours
With Canadian Yoga Alliance / Yoga Alliance U.S.A/ One Yoga Academy
A Healing Journey deep into the layers of the Self through the enchanting Tantric Template of the Chakras.
Emparting students and teachers with a practical methodology to understand and work with emotions.
The Chakras provide us with portal into this mysterious world of who we are and why we are.
When we have this understanding, we are then presented with a choice, of leaving certain things behind and cultivating others.
Explore the deeper purpose of Yoga & Healing through the sacred pathway of the Chakras.
Gain insight into our behaviors, our patterns, our triggers, which lie in the subconscious realm.
18 hours of live-interactive zoom meetings
Practical tools to take home navigate your emotional awareness
It will open doorways of deep inner healing and clarity
Each Module will include a basic understanding of each Chakra.
How It manifestats in you and its shadow.
How to feel it. How to read it.
Practices to ignite its higher vibration.
Philosophy of Tantra , The microcosm/ macrocosm
Subtle body/Nervous System/Endocrine glands (insofar as their relationship to the Chakras)
Sound/ Chanting/ Mantra
How Chakras Awaken your vital energy
The Elements and their relationship to the Mind/Body/Chakra
Embodiment practices
Self care/self regulation
Kriyas, Bandhas & Mudras
Mind/meditation & consciousness
How to Hold space
Practical self-exploration
Intuition & Visualisation
During the Duration of the course, Samantha will be available for personal reflections & questions which will likely be awoken due to the intense nature of the teachings.
Bonus 40$ for a 75 minute session where you can have the opportunity to review your personal script with Samantha and receive valuable feedback for your career.
Samantha's trainings and courses are like maps, manuals or recettes. You take them and then you have the know-how to navigate a little bit better in your body and in your life in general. Its an internal-life-changing experience. Samantha kindness and agelessness act unconsciously on the student.
-Irina U.K
Samantha's trainings and courses are like maps, manuals or recettes. You take them and then you have the know-how to navigate a little bit better in your body and in your life in general. Its an internal-life-changing experience. Samantha kindness and agelessness act unconsciously on the student.
-Emma U.K